24小时,南昌-上海往返, 看一次美展,听一次报告。
离离暑云散,袅袅凉风起。 The summer clouds are scattered and the wind is curling up. 夏尽有秋, 凉风有信。 愿所有美好期待, 都随着秋风的到来,一起实现。
天地一大窑,阳炭烹八月。 The whole world is a big kiln, and the sun charcoal cooks in August.
疫情原因,母亲今日才与父亲合墓下葬。 贴张老娘在老宅养的花,以示纪念。 May mum rest in peace.
立秋三日,寸草结籽。 Three days later ,the autumn grass was seeded.
再好的风景名胜不如家旁小景! No matter how good a scenic spot is, it’s better to have a cityscape around.
唯有美食与爱,不可辜负。 Regret nothing in matters of love and food.